UHMLG: Constitution & Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference


  1. Name
  2. Aims and objectives
  3. Membership
  4. Deputies
  5. Executive Committee
  6. Officers
  7. Subscriptions
  8. Meetings
  9. Amendments to the Constitution
  10. Relationship with appropriate bodies

1. Name

1.1  The name of the Group, which is self-constituted, shall be the University Health and Medical Librarians Group, hereinafter referred to as “the Group”. This may be abbreviated to UHMLG.

2. Aims and Objectives

2.1  The aims of the Group shall be to consider library and information services issues relevant to university health and medical education and other organisations involved in undergraduate and postgraduate health and medical education in the UK and Ireland, and to make comments or recommendations to appropriate authorities (see the Terms of Reference for a list of organisational affiliations).

2.2  The objectives of the Group shall be:

2.2.1  to liaise with appropriate bodies and organisations

2.2.2  to develop and co-ordinate library and information services in the Group by the exchange of expertise and information

2.2.3  to promote the provision and use of library and information services

2.2.4  to engage in common activities

2.2.5  to support research into best practice

3. Membership

3.1  Those who have relevant senior subject responsibility or whose major responsibility is for a site library delivering health or medical services in a university.

4. Deputies

4.1  Each member has the discretion to nominate a deputy to attend in his or her absence.

5. Executive Committee

5.1  There shall be an Executive Committee, consisting of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer of the Group (ex officio) and six members, each serving a term of two years. Members shall not hold office for more than two consecutive terms.  Elections shall be held if there is more than one nomination for a vacancy.

5.2  The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional members.

5.3  The Executive Committee shall deal with urgent matters on behalf of the Group. It shall also seek advice, make comments or recommendations liaise with outside bodies on behalf of the Group, and organise meetings of the Group.

5.4  The Executive Committee shall nominate an appropriate person to represent the Group at relevant meetings (see Terms of Reference) and appropriate bodies.

5.5  Committee documentation, where appropriate, shall be circulated to members and lodged with the JISCMail archive.  The Group shall maintain a web site where less transient information shall be held (e.g. contact details of the officers of the Executive Committee).

6. Officers

6.1 The Chair

The Chair shall be elected by the members at the AGM, to take office on 1st January following for a two-year term.  The Chair shall not hold office for more than two consecutive terms.

6.2 The Vice Chair

The Vice Chair shall be elected by the members at the AGM, to take office on 1st January following for a two-year term.  The Vice Chair shall not hold office for more than two consecutive terms.  The Vice Chair shall deputise for the Chair.

6.3 The Secretary

6.3.1  The Secretary shall be elected at the AGM to take office on 1st January following for a two-year term of office. The Secretary shall not hold office for more than two consecutive terms.

6.3.2  The Secretary shall convene all meetings of the Executive Committee, and prepare papers, agenda and minutes.

6.3.3  The Secretary shall undertake correspondence on behalf of the Group.

6.4  The Treasurer

6.4.1  The Treasurer shall be elected at the AGM to take office on 1st January following for a two-year term of office.  The Treasurer shall not hold office for more than two consecutive terms.

6.4.2  The Treasurer shall be responsible for the management of the Group’s bank account and the production of the accounts for a financial year running from April to March.

6.4.3  The Treasurer shall normally sign cheques on behalf of the Group; the other Officers shall be able to sign cheques in his/her absence.

6.4.4  The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining membership records.

7. Subscriptions

7.1  A subscription shall be levied on each member of the Group for the purpose of defraying reasonable expenses attendant upon the organisation of meetings and other appropriate activities.

7.2  The rate of subscription shall be fixed annually by the Executive Committee and approved by the Group at the Annual General Meeting.

7.3  Subscriptions shall become due on 1st January each year.

7. meetings

8.1  There shall be an Annual General Meeting at which shall be presented the Annual Report and Finance Report including recommended subscriptions for the following year. Auditors shall be approved at the AGM.

8.1.1  Notice: notice of the AGM shall be sent out by the Secretary to members not less than 21 days before the due date of the meeting.

8.1.2  Quorum: the presence of at least ten members shall be required to constitute a meeting of the Group.

8.1.3  Visitors: the Group may invite visitors to attend meetings in order to discuss specific matters.

8.1.4  Voting: each member institution shall have a single vote.  Decisions, other than amendments to the Constitution (see 9.1), shall be by a simple majority of those present and voting.

8.2  Special meetings: officers of the Executive Committee may convene special meetings, sub-committees, working parties or joint meetings with other individuals or organisations. The report of each such meeting, sub-committee or working party shall form part of the agenda of the next convenient general meeting, which shall have the authority to ratify, amend, reject or refer back decisions of such special meetings.

8.3  Confidentiality: information shared with the Group, which the contributor declares to be confidential, shall be treated as such.

8.4  Public statements: no statement or opinion shall be issued as the opinion of the Group without the clear agreement of the Executive Committee.

9. Amendments to the Constitution

9.1  The Constitution may be amended by postal or electronic ballot or at any general meeting of the Group, providing that not less than half of the institutional membership of the Group shall vote in favour of the proposed changes.

10. Relationship with appropriate bodies

10.1  The Group shall maintain close liaison with appropriate bodies and organisations; see Terms of Reference for details of current bodies.

10.2  The Executive Committee shall pass on to and receive from appropriate bodies and organisations topics for discussion and action.

Revised: 02 March 2007

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